We can still fight climate change, but we’re locked into a difficult scenario
“There is a small respite in the IPCC report: Researchers found that the greenhouse gas budget to limit warming to 1.5°C may be a bit larger than previously thought by about 300 gigatons. That buys the world some wiggle room, but not much: about six years’ worth of global emissions.
Our current emissions trajectory puts us on a course to reach 3°C of warming by the end of the century, even if every country meets its goals under the Paris agreement. Global greenhouse gas emissions are set to rise this year. Yet the harms outlined in the new IPCC report show that even the Paris target of 2°C may still be too dangerous.
Getting on course for 1.5°C of warming would require slashing global greenhouse gas emissions 45 percent below 2010 levels by 2030. And greenhouse gas emissions have grown, not fallen, since 2010, so the cut has to be even more drastic now.”